Blackjack Made Easy
If you are making your first trip to a casino, the game you want to learn is Blackjack. Blackjack is probably the most popular of the table games in a casino. There are a number of reasons this is the case. Compared to games like craps or poker, it is very easy to learn. There are only a few strategies you need to know to become relatively good at the game. Unlike craps or roulette, blackjack is not totally a game of chance. You have some control over the outcome of your hand.
Blackjack also has the smallest house edge of all the games in the casino. If you play blackjack and make all of the right plays, the casino’s advantage is only about 0.5%! Unfortunately, this means that if you place the same bet on every hand, over a long period of time, you will lose. However, blackjack is a game of streaks. So, with a strategy on when to increase or decrease your bets, you can come out ahead.
If you haven’t played Blackjack before, then this guide is an easy way for you to learn the game. In the guide, you will learn:
- how the game is played
- five simple rules to follow that will increase your odds of winning and make you a better player than most of the people who play
- more advanced playing strategies
- a betting strategy that will take advantage of streaks and help you have a better chance of being a winner
- the differences between online casinos and physical casinos
- and more…
This book is available at the Amazon Kindle Store.
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